14% off

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,000.00.

PRP (For Endometrium)

i-PRP: A Platelet Rich Plasma with very low red blood cells
or neutrophil granulocytes, making it the preferred protocol for
a non-inflammatory PRP. This is the most frequently used
Richly nourished with platelets, growth factors, granulocytes
and other cytokine mediators. All of which work together to
promote active tissue repair for endometrium.
20 X SHOT: A super concentrate PRP up to 20X
concentrations in a 4mL dosage.


i-PRP: A Platelet Rich Plasma with very low red blood cells
or neutrophil granulocytes, making it the preferred protocol for
a non-inflammatory PRP. This is the most frequently used
Richly nourished with platelets, growth factors, granulocytes
and other cytokine mediators. All of which work together to
promote active tissue repair for endometrium.
20 X SHOT: A super concentrate PRP up to 20X
concentrations in a 4mL dosage.